Service Professionals Directory
The Slixa Service Professionals Directory is your first stop for finding industry-friendly pros who are excited to help take your business to the next level. From professional videographers and photographers, to web designers, assistants, and copywriters, the Pros listed here take their work as seriously as you do.
Photography The perfect images can be key to establishing or maintaining your unique brand. An industry friendly photographer who knows the ins and outs of good lighting and can help you to build a portfolio of enticing photos, which meet the content guidelines for social media and ad sites, is your best ally. Search for photography in the Slixa Service Professionals Directory
Web Design and Development Whatever your business budget, a professional looking website should never feel completely out of the question. From templated designs to full custom solutions, a web developer who can address your individual needs while helping you put your best internet foot forward will set you on the path to success. Search for web design and development in the Slixa Service Professionals Directory
Copywriting Ever wonder how some providers come up with the most captivating prose on their websites and profiles? With professional copywriters, of course! Find the best wordsmith to help you fully flesh out your brand and add fantastic flourish to your presentation. Search for copywriting in the Slixa Service Professionals Directory
Personal Assistant Services Feeling overwhelmed by emails and scheduling demands? You don’t have a to do it alone. A personal assistant can be tasked with helping you screen, reply to messages, and get your calendar in order – often completely virtually! Let someone else take on your inbox while you focus on what you do best. Search for personal assistant services in the Slixa Service Professionals Directory
Tax Prep and Accounting It can seem next to impossible to find the perfect professional – one who knows the real ins and outs of your business in revenue streams – to help you stay on the right side of the tax laws. Rule number one: hire an industry friendly accounting pro to get your money matters handled and stay ahead of the game. Search for tax prep and accounting in the Slixa Service Professionals Directory
Training and Education Learning never stops. No matter how good you are at what you do, there is always something new to learn. From practical tips and techniques, to marketing and money management, you can find the certifications and continuing education to keep you at the top of your game for years to come. Search for training and education in the Slixa Service Professionals Directory
Digital Content Coaching Distance Dating, virtual work, and fans sites can require new skills and a learning investment that not everyone is ready for. A digital content coach can help support you by answering questions, developing an output and marketing strategy, and directing you toward the best platforms for your brand. Search for digital content coaching in the Slixa Service Professionals Directory
Other Some things don’t fit into tidy boxes. If you’re looking for a service professional that doesn’t fit into one of these categories, chances are you’ll find them here. Custom graphics artists, to mental health support: “other” covers a lot of ground. Search for other in the Slixa Service Professionals Directory
Slixa does not endorse or guarantee the quality of an individual business or professional service listed here. This directory is meant only as a resource for providers to find services aligned with their unique needs.