This address will be used for private contact between Slixa and you, and will not be displayed to the public unless you choose to do so in your profile. You will need to confirm this address before publishing your profile, please ensure it’s correct.
This phone number will be used for private contact between Slixa and you, and will not be displayed to the public unless you choose to do so in your profile.
This is the city you’re based out of, and can be changed as often as you like.
To keep our site safe for everyone, Slixa requires that all advertisers on our platform are at least 18-21 years of age (according to state law of my country or US state) and all accounts are subject to age verification.
Slixa is a strong believer in every individual's freedom of choice. Those who practice any form of coercion, including human trafficking and "pimping", are not welcome here. If at any point we believe that you are involved with such activities, your account will be closed and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities in your country. If you or someone you know is being coerced, please visit to find organizations in your country that can help. Slixa does not allow agencies or agency affiliated entertainers on our site.