Safeword Tax Service’s Cover Photo

Safeword Tax Service

Safeword Tax Service’s Cover Photo
Safeword Tax Service
Tax Prep and Accounting

+ Tax Prep and Accounting

Providing tax planning, return preparation, and advocacy for members of alternative communities, including escorts, pro-dom(me)s, exotic dancers, burlesque performers, kink retailers, sex-positive professionals, sex educators, polyamorous families, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Many small firms are reluctant to advise people stuck in challenging legal situations. Our team has a wealth of academic and real world experience. We welcome complexity, and our clientele includes individuals in all of the following situations:

US citizens who are living abroad or have foreign income

Foreign individuals working in the US

Income from multiple states

Divorce and legal separation

Rental like-kind property exchanges

Military personnel

Registered domestic partnerships

Polyamorous family structures

Small business owners

Maintaining trusts and estates

With a successful career comes a great deal of accounting responsibility. As the net worth grows and your assets become more sophisticated you may feel like the annual tax filing process is too overwhelming. Generic tax software is fine when you're young with no real estate or savings, but a larger portfolio warrants more expertise. You've worked diligently for these assets so it's critical that we protect them from excessive taxes and potential audit nightmares. We can help you take full advantage of the available deductions and provide valuable insights when estimating future tax liabilities. Meeting deadlines and maintaining proper records is also made easier with a professional adviser. When you have the same tax accountant from year to year the tax preparation becomes much more efficient and thorough. Let us provide some peace of mind during the growth process.

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